Monday, March 10, 2008

like an open book

I came across this story about a male blogger for Glamour who was recently fired for "playing grab ass."

Clearly, that's a technical term that encompasses some convoluted story involving not only herpes and a lip sore, but also a severe wandering eye and some selfish behavior in bed.

The whole thing, apparently, spiraled into this massive online hate campaign fueled largely by comments fired back from "Miss Smarty Pants," one of the girls the dropped blogger was dating. You can see the remnants of the controversial blog here.

The incident reminded me of this article whose author concludes blogs have ruined her dating life.

What's more, for over a year, I followed this writer's often-steamy dating blog. When some of her typed comments negatively impacted a relationship, she moved outside the realm of blogging about sex and romance. Days ago, she announced she's giving up blogging entirely.

I think people are far too comfortable with what they type in public forums, especially as it pertains to dating. There's this whole emphasis on emotional release, not to mention shared communities, that I think makes people mistake behavior that's harmfully self-indulgent as something therapeutic.

It's one thing if you've been grotesquely wronged, or you want to talk about shared relationship problems in a larger context. But online diaries and blogs have skyrocketed to the point that even average relationship quirks risk entering the public arena.

What do you think? Have blogs ruined the dating world?