Tuesday, August 19, 2008

two steps forward...

Two steps back?

I was excited to find this MSN article, "The new rules of attraction." I envisioned revolutionary changes. Guy must pay for everything. Girl gets mandatory daily perusal of significant other's text messages.

Not so much.

One of the things that caught my eye, though, is the article's dismissal of the widespread claim that opposites attract. The new rule? "Opposites distract."

I have mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, you don't want to date a carbon copy of yourself. Dating someone with different values and hobbies can encourage healthy discussions between the two of you and can help you develop interests you wouldn't have considered otherwise.

But on the other hand, when you're dating someone who's so much of an opposite that you're sacrificing who you are to accomodate his or her lifestyle, it's a bad decision. You don't need to have an opposite just for opposite's sake when there are plenty of people who could complement your personality in a way that's actually healthy.

What do you think? Was Paula drugged up when she told us opposites attract?