Friday, September 26, 2008

the boob tube

Results of this study say men and women don't actually fight over the TV remote that much after all.

Of course, many relationship experts say it's indicative of an overall rise in shared decision-making, bucking the '50s trend of "father knows best."

But I think the shared remote control agreement is just as much due to the fact that today's TV shows are increasingly likely to appeal to both genders. It's not just a battle of gun thrillers versus soap operas anymore.

Many shows that seem traditionally "female" now include enough witty dialogue to attract a strong contingent of male viewers. Same goes for reality TV, which has grown to dominate water-cooler conversation so much that it's hard for a guy to not have some knowledge of "American Idol."

Just when you think a show is so chick-oriented that it has absolutely no chance of hooking your boyfriend, a couple nude photos of one of the stars pop up online.

And suddenly, the two of you have plans every Monday at 10 p.m.