Thursday, November 20, 2008

america's next top model

I guess now is an appropriate time for me to come out of the closet and admit how much I love "America's Next Top Model."

I think there's a sick part of my personality that likes to be tortured by images of Tyra yelling at me for not smiling enough with my eyes.

Anyway, I'm proud to say that this season's winner, McKey -- er, Brittany...long story -- is a current student at my college.

And ANTM's third-place finalist, Analeigh, graduated from my high school. Random, I know.

I guess this post has no point other than to tell the world that I surround myself with beautiful people.

Oh, and I guess I'll link to this clip of Tyra telling the world to kiss her fat...well, you know how the story ends.

Man, ANTM Cycle 12 cannot come soon enough.