Sunday, January 21, 2007


Sure, the night was a little twisted, but I didn't think twice before hitting the local strip club scene last weekend. In the company of two friends, I saw my first toothless pole dancer and was even snubbed for dancing that supposedly jeopardized a local venue's business.
A manager-typed charged me with multiple counts of something that involved "banarama."
Still, I considered the excursion a welcome break from the usual monotony of local nightlife, and I'm wondering if female ambivalence toward male-oriented strip clubs is a thing of the past. Do women still harbor anxieties about hitting a topless bar on a Friday night? Even if they don't attend, are women more willing to let a significant other devote a night to the world of questionable gyrations?
I'd like to know if there's any degree of taboo attached to these entertainment options.
Tell me your tales of half-nude glory.