Thursday, April 10, 2008

between the lines

Ironically, I found this article about Awkward Facebook Encounters shortly after I spent an entire lunch hour describing all the random guys who try to holler at me on social networking sites.

So I thought it would be fun to showcase a few of the recent noteworthy ones. I've made them all anonymous to protect the not-so-innocent. Still, the lines that follow are cut and pasted verbatim from my inbox.

Here goes:

"hope you like to meet new people because i am as new as they get if you would like to find out what i mean then just hit me back "

"Hey there dear. I know I would regret it if I didnt make a valiant attempt at starting up a conversation with you, or in the least bit just saying hello. Form what ive read, and seen in your pictures, you have this something that just set you apart. Something that makes you stand out among all the rest."

"i know this is going to sound way out of left field but im sitting at work really bored. I was browsing around myspace and saw that you were online and thought id say hello and see if you felt like BS'n for a little while. Like i said im just really bored out of my mind."

And my favorite...

"Just had to say I've read your articles several times and they make me think alittle which thinking hurts my head but think you for allowing me to enjoy the newspaper which basically consists of bad news except for your articals."

This is the stuff that makes my day go round.