Tuesday, August 21, 2007

get over it

Good luck milking those extra sob sessions and "I Hate Boys" lectures.

People overestimate how distressed they really are after a breakup, according to this article from the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

"People who are more in love really are a little more upset after a breakup, but their perceptions about how distraught they will be are dramatically overstated when compared to reality. At the end of the day it, it is just less bad than you thought," the study's author said.

Yes, I know this is easier to say when you're on the outside, and yes, I know every relationship is different. But in many cases I think people choose to unnecessarily wallow in their sorrows, the majority of which are based on exaggerated perceptions of how the relationship really was.

Which is part of the reason why I hate some chick flicks. Sometimes it's not best to sit at home, eat chocolate and remind yourself how bad things are.

Sometimes you just need to move on.