Monday, March 31, 2008

your mom

Happy Monday!

My family returned to California safe and sound, although my nerves are still recovering from a week of trying to make everyone happy. Very stressful.

The visit ended with a trip to the Mall of Georgia, an Atlanta-area destination that remains one of my sole reasons for staying in this state. Seriously. It's amazing.

I had mixed emotions as I sent my fam off to the Birmingham airport. On one hand, I was happy that I didn't have to hide my copies of Playgirl for another week.

But on the other, I was a little sad. It's kind of like how when you're riding a bike without training wheels, you only fall off after you realize your dad's hands aren't behind you anymore. I've done fine living away from my entire fam for nearly two years, but it's only when I realize how valuable their help is that I truly miss them.

Blame that realization for the 24 minutes I spent listening to my Boyz II Men CD on the ride home. Then I abruptly switched to Eazy-E.

Feeling homesick? Check out this site, Postcards From Yo Momma. It's a collection of e-mails from anonymous people's moms. You can even contribute your own.