Thursday, February 15, 2007

quote of the day

Happy Feb. 15. Hope you escaped yesterday without too many heart-shaped razor cuts on your wrists.
I'd talk more about Valentine's Day -- which I survived, thankyouverymuch -- but I want to disclose some more Vegas details before you guys start thinking the whole trip was just another extension of my Nikki Cox fantasies.
Like I said, I was there to see my friends Lily and Morgan get married. The wedding, by the way, was amazing. It even served as inspiration for this week's column, which describes the way married people fit into a social scene composed primarily of single folks. Please read it right now.
Back to the vacation...Vegas was an entirely new experience for me, as I hadn't been there since my old-school days of being underage. As such, this time I quickly developed an avid fascination with yard-long margaritas, and consumed a total of six during my four-day stay. Is that as tall as a real person?
Drinks aside, I was astounded by how many random guys tried to talk to me while I was cruising the strip. For example, when I accepted some stripper handouts from a peddler, some old guy tapped me on the shoulder and without hesitation said, "Hey. I like girls who like girls."
That's the quote of the day, if you were wondering.
The abundance of bad pickup lines really got me thinking. As much as we laugh about these coy attempts to get women, life's meet market hold an equal emphasis on setting yourself apart and making an impression.
If that's true, can a usually repulsive pickup line ever become endearing with the right delivery? And if not, how do you set yourself apart from the pack?
Send me your thoughts.