Friday, May 1, 2009

skinny bastard

Imagine how your guy would react if you surprised him with a diet book this weekend.

Something tells me the response doesn't quite reach the enthusiasm that comes with a video game or, better yet, one of those cute mini Heineken kegs.

Which could be a problem for the authors of "Skinny Bastard," an eating-right guide aimed at men. It follows the phenomenal success of the same duo's "Skinny Bitch," a pro-vegan, attitude-driven wake-up call for women.

Some endorsements for the new book say men read "Skinny Bitch" over their girlfriends' shoulders.

Even if that's true, are they brave enough to buy their own copy of "Skinny Bastard"? And would would they be insulted to receive it for a gift?

In this NY Times article about "Skinny Bastard," one source says of the book, "I think the guys will enjoy it once they have it. But I think it’s going to be the wives and girlfriends and sisters buying these books."

But seriously...would anybody really buy a diet book as a gift for their significant other? I would be insulted if a boyfriend gave me a copy of "Skinny Bitch," and I think guys are just as sensitive when it comes to implied criticism of their physical attractiveness.

Is it ever appropriate to discuss weight with the person you're dating?

(If you're brave enough, you can order a copy of "Skinny Bastard" here.)