Monday, May 11, 2009

The toothbrush situation

Few accessories have so much potential to completely destroy a relationship.

Enter the toothbrush. It's a seemingly harmless token of personal hygiene. Leave it at a partner's apartment too quickly, though, and it can become a scary indicator of obsession.

This blogger tells guys to break up with any girl who leaves a personal item at your apartment after three months of dating. With that rule in mind, here's his advice for handling the toothbrush situation:

Buy an electric toothbrush with the replaceable heads. Have 1 extra head and tell each woman who spends the night that you have a "fresh" head that she can use. You don't actually have to replace it for each woman.. that would be expensive.

Yeah guys, you wonder why we don't want to stay at your place...

I know some girls who regard the toothbrush drop-off as a major milestone in a relationship. I'm not among them, but I love me some oral hygiene. And it gets to the point where you're just sick of having morning breath while making out in the morning.

Tell me, readers: When it comes to relationships, is a toothbrush ever "just" a toothbrush?