Monday, June 21, 2010

Family matters

Happy Monday! Hope everybody had a great weekend and a fantastic Father's Day.

I spent lots of the weekend with my younger sister, who is at Fort Benning attending Airborne School. Thanks to my lack of direction, I had the privilege of experiencing three Fort Benning access points in one day.

Navigation issues aside, it was nice to see someone from home.

Hanging out with my California family generates feelings that are a little more complex than when they'd visit me in college.

Now, their departure makes me realize I'm riding without training wheels in a city whose streets still confuse me -- even after four years here.

Seeing my family reminds me of the fail-safe comfort of having somebody who, like my dad, will spend 12 hours building a chest of drawers just so your bedroom looks like home.

Or somebody who, like my sister, will smile encouragingly when I describe a life direction that's clearly outside the realm of possibility.

When I moved to Columbus, those moments went from constants to twice-a-year occasions at best.

In my family's absence, I've combated pest infestations and financial challenges under the guidance of will power and DIY manuals.

Maybe that blind confidence is my family's greatest gift of all.