Monday, November 5, 2007

porn is good?

Happy Monday!

Here's some news that could wet your whistle: There's no truth to the long-held belief that porn is a catalyst of sexual violence, some researchers say.

It's not Ron Jeremy making the argument, either. This column in the Chicago Tribune says that even though erotic Web sites have expanded significantly in recent years, national incidents of rape are down 72 percent and other sexual assaults have fallen by 68 percent.

"In a paper presented at Stanford Law School last year, he (Clemson University economist Todd Kendall) reported that, after adjusting for other differences, states where Internet access expanded the fastest saw rape decline the most. A 10 percent increase in Internet access, Kendall found, typically meant a 7.3 percent reduction in the number of reported rapes."

Oh...and Facebook is now officially more popular than porn, this unrelated article concludes.
