Wednesday, January 7, 2009

national breakup month

Losing that lovin' feeling? You're not alone.

Many people call January National Breakup Month. The reason? Now that the sap and excitement of the holidays are gone, you're more likely to come to the realization that your partner is, um, kinda boring.

Or maybe you met your potential mother-in-law for the first time over Christmas and have since realized you'll never be able to feign elation over her broccoli casserole again.

Some critics say January breakup stories are overblown, but I think they carry some truth.

I know many girls who use Christmas & New Year's as opportunities to gauge a boyfriend's level of commitment.

During that time frame, they want an "I love you." An engagement ring. Gold jewelry.

If they don't get it? Out with the old, in with the new.

The mentality is harsh, and maybe unjustified. But it's a whole lot better than the girls who stay in relationships and resign themselves to another year of complaining.
