Monday, March 23, 2009

the blind date

Saturday night, I spotted a variety of prom goers inside a Columbus Park Crossing restaurant. There was a lot to look at -- cocktail dresses! cheesy tuxes! -- but I couldn't stop staring at one couple in particular.

They sat on opposite sides of a booth seat, staring in separate directions, periodically texting.

I pitied them because I had been them: victims of a blind date.

OK, so maybe they were a real-life couple just having a fight or something. Still, the body language translated all too easily to the awkwardness of a setup.

ABC News has this story about what happened in an experiment when people's dates looked nothing like their online profile pictures. Internet aside, there's always that friend who tells you her cousin could be Brad Pitt's stunt double -- which makes you wonder why he's 5 feet tall with a mullet.

Same goes for personality traits. Nothing's sadder than realizing the "he's funny" endorsement actually translates into "he's funny if you like obscure mathematical humor."

We love our friends and we want them to be in love. Unfortunately, sometimes that means exaggerating their desirability.

Anyone have a good blind date story?