Thursday, March 26, 2009

the relationship test

Everybody's buzzing about this mathematical model that could predict the success of your romantic relationship -- with 94 percent accuracy.

The link above lets you and your partner take the test. But be warned, it's complicated: A video camera and lots of numbers are involved.

The test's specifics are beside the fact. This isn't the first time I've heard of a test that purports to apply researched, mathematical odds to a relationship's likelihood of survival.

In theory, the desire makes sense: Find a tool that will tell me if I'm wasting my time on love.

But when it comes to compatibility -- the long-term kind -- algebraic formulas aren't necessary. I think you can tell in your own gut if you and your partner are meant to's just a question of whether you want to come to grips with that realization.

Let's assume someone discovers a test that would reportedly predict your relationship's success with 100 percent accuracy.

Would you take it?