Wednesday, March 11, 2009

picture this

After three weeks of faithful shampooing, you've finally put that bad dye job behind you.

Until your friend posts pictures on Facebook.

Yet another joy of social networking: Spending a Friday night wondering if the photos posted the next morning will make you love your new pair of jeans, or circle your patches of stomach fat with a permanent marker.

Here, Slate tells you what to do when old photos of you appear on Facebook.

Photo discomfort doesn't only come from digging up the past.

Monday morning, there's always that one friend who has to post every single weekend photo from her camera. Including the ones where you have neck fat. Or your mascara is smeared.

But then, there are the times when you look REALLY hideous. Maybe intimate organs are exposed.

What's the proper etiquette for asking a friend to remove a photo of you on Facebook?