Thursday, March 4, 2010

National Grammar Day

Grammar and dating.

On the surface, the concepts seem totally unrelated. Unless, of course, you count the guy who offers this go-to pickup line: "How is you?"

(Yes, I have really heard that one.)

Today is National Grammar Day. While grammar and dating seem to exist in separate spheres, they're becoming increasingly intertwined -- thanks to technology's influence on relationships.

With e-mails, Facebook messages and occasionally blog posts, you often grow to know your partner's writing skills just as well as you know his/her eating habits and favorite TV shows.

And sometimes, you develop a set of relationship pet peeves you thought were confined to eighth-grade English class.

Call me crazy, but I think I romantic compliments are kind of cheapened when they're not grammatically sound. Consider this: "Thank you for loving me the way I are."

Typos aren't exactly flattering, either: "Your the best boyfriend ever."

Weigh in: Is bad grammar ever a dealbreaker in relationships?