Friday, February 22, 2008

pucker up

In the absence of a cure for the common cold, Scientific American has devoted its efforts to this article about why we kiss.

Read the article's four pages while pretending you don't know the answer involves getting laid.

Or, simply check out an excerpt from the article:

In a recent survey Gallup and his colleagues found that 59 percent of 58 men and 66 percent of 122 women admitted there had been times when they were attracted to some­one only to find that their interest evaporated after their first kiss. The “bad” kisses had no particular flaws; they simply did not feel right—and they ended the romantic relationship then and there—a kiss of death for that coupling.

In a relationship's early stages, how forgiving are you when it comes to kissing? Have you ever ditched a partner simply because he/she was a bad kisser?