Wednesday, April 8, 2009

downward spiral

Ah, the relationship lessons we learn from Lindsay Lohan...

Salon's Broadsheet blog tells us how LiLo has reportedly gone psycho after splitting with Samantha Ronson. She's chugging vodka and bordering on a major emotional breakdown, sources say. It's enough to make Sam's family pursue a restraining order against Lindsay.

The news got me thinking about the post-breakup lows I've hit in the past. The most dramatic one comes to me instantly: I hit Victoria's Secret the day after a breakup, and could find absolutely nothing to buy.

You laugh, but you'd understand the severity of the situation if you knew about my obsession with aromatic body lotions.

Then again, I guess I should consider myself lucky. For many of my friends, post-breakup emotions have been enough to warrant medical intervention.

What's the biggest post-breakup low you've reached? How do you know when your problem is deeper than a broken heart?