We all have one: that song you absolutely used to love, but now can't listen to without entering a teary tirade about how all men are evil.
I'm talking about the one song you always equate with a failed romantic relationship.
It doesn't even have to be an overtly sappy tune. It's just a song that reminds you of a single moment when you thought you'd share forever with somebody. A Glamour blogger discusses the phenomenon here.
As weird as it sounds, I can't listen to Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" without flinching. It reminds me of singing along to a car radio with a former fling, silently telling myself, "This is it."
It wasn't.
Everyone has muted soundtracks and tainted favorite songs. It's a relationship reality.
(via Your Tango)
Accept that fact, turn up the volume and believe your next attempt at perfect harmony will end on a better note.