Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Accidentally in love

Here, the Wall Street Journal directs us to a Japanese bra equipped with a digital clock that counts down to your marriage deadline.

Talk about keeping your goals close to your heart.

The piece notes that the garment's underlying message goes something like this: "Don’t just sit there waiting for the right person to come along. Singles need to actively seek a spouse."

However, the writer and online commenters refute that statement, citing many personal examples of finding love when love was the last thing on somebody's mind.

So true. It always seems like you find the most potentially perfect mate the instant you say, "I don't want a relationship right now."

Yet it's hard to be an entirely passive dater. Sure, you don't have to bow to a marriage countdown clock. But if you really want to find someone, you have to make some effort to socialize.

Has anyone out there accidentally found love?