Thursday, June 4, 2009

I love you. Not really.

It's an average phone conversation with your newest fling: work, weekend plans, maybe some TV talk. When you hang up, you give what's supposed to be your standard casual sendoff.

But it doesn't come out that way.

"Bye. I love you."

That last line? Not planned.

Ah, the accidental "I love you." I'd almost forgotten its awkwardness until sex goddesses Em and Lo reminded me with this advice column.

Sometimes, an accidental "I love you" can be useful, reflecting a mutually shared emotion you've both been too afraid to voice. In this case, even if the sentiment wasn't premeditated, it can mark a major step forward for a relationship.

But more often than not, the accidental "I love you" complicates things.

Do you apologize? Make a joke? Ignore it entirely?

What's the least awkward option?