Monday, June 15, 2009

National Man Day

In honor of National Man Day -- no, I'm not making that up -- I'll devote this post to one of the most testosterone-packed nightlife events of all:

The bachelor party.

Wedding buzz is at its peak this month, so we've gotten a slew of articles destined to give brides nightmares of dominatrix strippers at their man's final fling before the ring.

Want in on the action? Check out this list of 10 things you didn't know about bachelor parties, courtesy of Cosmo.

I know guys who have cheated at their bachelor parties, but they're the same guys who had been shady during their entire relationship. I think if anyone's going to hook up at a bachelor party, it's going to be one of the groom's drunk friends.

Besides, sources like report that bachelor party destinations have grown to include activities like golf excursions. (Conveniently, though, the Web site refers readers to a golf course near a strip joint.)

Married/engaged readers: Are bachelor party fears exaggerated?