Monday, June 29, 2009

Stop talking about your baby

It's a regular Facebook occurrence: You innocently befriend the former college roommate who just happens to now have three kids.

Within minutes, you're suddenly bombarded by a deluge of status updates involving pleasant images like dirty diapers, toilet "accidents" and infant vomit.

Delightful? No. Common? Yes.

The Frisky details the phenomenon in a recent post, hilariously titled "Facebook is no place for baby diarrhea." The post even mentions a site where people post annoying baby-based status updates and photos.

As much as I want to believe these offenders aren't trying to annoy us, I can't understand the rationale behind telling your 294 friends about morning puke.

Once, after one of my social networking friends posted an especially graphic baby bodily function update, one of our mutual friends fired back. She wrote a status update to effect of, "XXX hates it when people post gross things about their kids."

Ouch, I know. But I was thinking the same thing.

If you have kids, do you censor your stories when you're around childless friends?