Friday, July 16, 2010

Everybody say "aww"

There's nothing like a sappy love story to get you through Friday afternoon.

Today's item comes from the Chicago Sun-Times, which tells the story of a couple so inseparable that they died within hours of each other.

The article reminded me of my grandparents, who also lived in Chicago.

They didn't die within hours of each other, but I remember having the sense that my grandpa lost his will to live after my grandma passed away.

Who knows? Maybe I was just an overly romantic teenager creating things in my mind.

Yet I think my grandpa would have lived a lot longer had my grandma still been around. They died about a year and a half apart.

Sometimes I'm overly critical of couples who seem to spend every waking hour together.

But I hope I enter the end of life with bonds so strong that I must define my existence within the context of other people.