It's National Men Make Dinner Day, according to a heads-up from The Frisky.
The event has its own Web site, complete with recipes and a glossary of food-related terms. Translation: You have no excuse to skip out on this one, guys.
One sad restriction, as noted in the official rules: No barbecues allowed.
I really wish this was some kind of one-day national mandate. I've had many men woo me with the promise of a home-cooked meal, but it's always involved an offer likely to culminate in a temporary restraining order.
I can cook, but I've always kind of secretely admired my many female friends lucky enough to snag a man willing to handle the majority of cooking duties.
We don't really care what you make, guys -- cooking is just further evidence that you want to take care of us.
So put on that cheesy apron for a night.
You can even borrow my George Foreman grill.