Wednesday, November 26, 2008

thank you!

Just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone happy Thanksgiving.

I'll be staying in C-town for the holiday, celebrating with friends before interviewing all those chipper shoppers Friday morning.

With luck, you'll spend Nov. 27 challenging the limits of your elastic waistline and constructing witty responses to questions about why you're not yet married. But if you have time -- as cheesy as this sounds -- take a couple seconds to count your blessings.

I, for one, am thankful to have food in the freezer, a full list of contacts in my cell phone and people who have spent enough time with me to know that I twirl my hair when I'm thinking about something important.

Also, I'm grateful you've included this blog in your daily routine and I secretly hope that at least five of you are actually stalking me.

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.