Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just say "no" to Paris Hilton

Among the newest relationships manuals: "How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World," which advocates a return to old-school dating values.

You know, the whole "sit back and let him pursue you" approach to courtship.

It's the antithesis to the "in your face" approach promoted by celebrities like Paris Hilton, author Jordan Christy notes.

In this excerpt, Christy writes:

If you glean nothing else from this book, I want you to hear this headline-worthy, urgent-newsflash, critical-emergency, vital-stat message: We make ourselves waaaay too accessible.

"He's Just Not That Into You" was one of the first major books in recent years to take heat for suggesting the guy alone should do the calling and pursuing at a relationship's early stages.

I remember being outraged when I first read that. I revisited the chapter just a couple months ago when the movie came out, and once again I wanted desperately to disagree with the premise.

But then, when I thought of all the women I knew who made themselves romantically accessible from day one...well, the picture of their happiness was kind of bleak.

Back in the "How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World" universe, Christy concludes:

I hate to say it, but you’re never going to get the guy until you simply let him be the guy. And what do guys want to do? Chase things!

Agree or disagree?