Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lauren Conrad and the 'boyfriend layer'

The politically correct term for the weight you gain at the beginning of a relationship?

The boyfriend layer.

That's a term Lauren Conrad of "The Hills" coins in this interview with Shape. While she's taken some heat for the comment, I get what she's saying.

I think almost everybody gains weight at a relationship's onset, largely because you're going out to dinner a lot more than you normally would.

And those of us who can't rely on a reality TV star's salary usually spend our first dates at generic chain restaurants -- where the options aren't exactly the healthiest ever.

What's more, the beginning of a relationship is devoted to getting to know someone, which often involves sitting around and drinking high-calorie beer.

The good news? The "boyfriend layer" -- or "girlfriend layer," if that exists -- usually disappears once a relationship stabilizes.

Then you can go back to being your average-weight self...praying your relationship won't culminate in a comfort food-induced "breakup layer."