Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Proposal fears

Is it weird to be terrified about how your marriage proposal will go down?

Here, a Glamour blogger details her biggest proposal fear. She has nightmares about her boyfriend just casually saying "hey, maybe we should get married" -- no grand gestures, no elaborate speech.

I'll admit I've spent many late nights worrying about what will happen when somebody proposes to me. For years, I feared I'd get engaged on a night when my nails weren't decorated with a perfect French manicure.

Then, I swore off manicures -- thanks, national economy! -- and that fear was null and void.

Now, I mainly worry that if I'm ever lucky enough to have a guy pop the question, my spastic response will make him rescind that offer immediately.

You laugh, but I've been known to say some pretty stupid things. If that doesn't happen, there's a 99 percent chance I'll have a giant booger in my nose while he's professing his undying love.

I guess all that really matters is the fact someone cares enough about you to want a lifelong commitment.

Boogers included, right?