Monday, August 10, 2009

Shy guys

Dating bulletin: Sweaty palms are not sexy.

In relationships, some shyness can be a little bit endearing. There's joy in having an ability to draw somebody out of his/her shell.

Date someone with a paralyzing level of shyness, however, and things get annoying. You get tired of being responsible for dominating conversations in every social situation.

Not to mention the fact that shy people often unintentionally appear aloof and disinterested in the relationship.

But maybe romantic shyness isn't just a personality quirk. Maybe it's a real medical condition.

The Frisky refers readers to this article, which describes "love shyness" -- a specific type of chronic shyness in men.

But the men who claim to suffer from love shyness (LS) all have in common the complete inability to initiate or to engage in romantic interplay. This renders them terminally, heartbrokenly, virginally lonely.

Hmm. Sounds like love shyness is a politically correct term for "World of Warcraft" addiction.

Where do you stand with shyness in dating? Do prefer to date someone more extroverted or less extroverted than you are?