Monday, February 22, 2010

30 Chick Flicks in 30 Days

When it comes to pop culture, is what you watch reflective of who you are?

Let's hope the answer is no, especially since I had a serious case of Kardashian addiction last weekend.

Anyway, the question hit me after I stumbled upon a blog that chronicles one guy's efforts to watch 30 chick flicks in 30 days.

It's an attempt to understand the opposite sex.

I can see underlying relationship lessons in "(500) Days of Summer," or even "Sex and the City," but Lindsay Lohan's "Labor Pains"? Really?!?

Sadly, that is a real entry in the list.

I appreciate the blogger's openness to genres other than the traditional action-adventure material.

At the same time, I think it's fair to say that not only chick flicks highlight truths about the opposite sex.

In fact, sometimes we learn the greatest relationship lessons from movies that aren't overtly romantic. (And yes, I am trying to justify my "Kung Fu Panda" obsession.)

Weigh in: Have chick flicks taught you anything about love?

(via Broadsheet)