Monday, February 1, 2010

Adventures in guy-proofing

A boy is coming over. Quick, hide the bridal magazines!

Ah, the joy of guy-proofing.

Here, one blogger describes the logic (or lack thereof) behind the behavior -- that is, fine-tuning your living space so it doesn't turn off your date. She's critical of guy-proofing, and I kind of agree with this realization:

Honestly, I didn't think that guys really paid that much attention to my apartment.

It's silly for a guy to dump you over blue curtains or a couple dust bunnies.

Still, there's some fear in showcasing your living space for the first time, so it's only natural to hide personal touches that are slightly outside the norm. Yes, I do keep my Hanson CDs out of public view.

Weigh in: Is guy-proofing a necessary evil, or harmful identity concealer?

And guys: At a relationship's early stages, do you girl-proof your place?