The newest addition to the Columbus party scene: Spicoli's Bar & Grill, slated to open at 3 p.m. Wednesday. The hot spot is at 5762 Milgen Road, right across from SoHo. I got a sneak peek last week and took a couple photos for a story that will run in Thursday's To Do.
Here's the dance floor. They expect to have DJ music and occasionally live acts. There will only be a cover on nights with live music. Spicoli's is targeting a 30 and up crowd, manager Shane Rennie said.
In addition to the full bar, Spicoli's has a kitchen serving everything from traditional bar food to steaks and seafood. To give you an idea of prices, onion rings are $3.95, while a shrimp dinner is $10.95.
Spicoli's has pool tables and 11 TVs. The bar is named after Sean Penn's character in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Look carefully and you'll see his picture on the wall in the photo above.