Wednesday, September 10, 2008

party foul?

If you're like me, you'll relate to this article, "Welcome to my party -- now pay up!"

It's about people who throw themselves elaborate celebratory dinners/parties and then expect their guests to take care of the bill.

I don't mind taking a friend out for a birthday meal, but nothing bothers me more than someone who's picky about the dinner spot of choice when he or she is being teated. In situations when your friends aren't necessarily rolling in dough, it's not fair to expect your celebratory night out will be paid for.

It's another tricky post-college realization: Going out to dinner with friends, especially married ones, can be awkward. When you're relying on a shared income, it's sometimes easy to forget that single people don't always have the luxury of buying appetizers or bottles of wine.

When you're a broke, there's few things worse than having to split the cost of something your dining partners ordered without considering your feelings.

Anyone else had this experience?