Tuesday, September 23, 2008

thanks, oprah!

CNN has this article, via Oprah.com, conveniently titled "6 relationship decisions we've made for you."

No word on whether you should try the Vaseline experiment you've been plotting, but on a more inconsequential note does address the popular debate of whether it's OK for a girl to call first.

"It's 2008. You can call," says Steve Santagati, author of "The MANual" and resident expert at AskSteveSantagati.com. Still, Santagati urges you not to put the guy on the spot. "Let him initiate plans. You can just say hello to open the lines of communication, and he might hear something in the phone call that he didn't get the first time you met." The way he responds will tell you whether you have a future together.

Ah, the perils of the first phone call. Even more awkward if you're attempting to initiate a real relationship after a drunken hookup.

I still say the responsibility rests primarily in the guy's hands. And please, guys, we know you don't like getting all chatty, but try to follow a little basic phone etiquette. That means:

1. Calling for no reason other than the kindness of your heart

2. Not multi-tasking or passing out mid-conversation

3. Incorporating a minimum of two insightful comments beyond "uh-huh."