Tuesday, July 17, 2007

read and reap

Congratulations! You just stumbled across a new feature on this blog.

Every now and then the paper gets review copies of books. Fortunately for me, many of these books are romance novels that we'll never actually write about. So now I have a significant stack of novels on my desk, just begging for their own blog feature.

Your wish is my command.

Now I'll be starting Read and Reap, a blog feature that will include a short excerpt from one of the books for your personal enjoyment.

So without further ado, here's a gem from "Try," a Western romance novel by Lily Burana:

"This is what girls check out on a rodeo guy: buckle, eyes, smile. Then the appraisal goes around back. Cowboy butt is the stuff of legend. J.W. did indeed have one of those Eighth Wonder asses, hard and muscled to almost equine perfection."
