Monday, July 2, 2007

something to talk about

Since summer brings parties, and parties bring a tremendous potential for awkward conversation, I thought I'd pass on a few recent gems to fill the silences. You can thank me later.

*Want to avoid divorce? Tell your man to pick up the vacuum cleaner. Chore-sharing is the new key to a successful marriage, according the results of this recent survey by the Pew Research Center. Some 62 percent of respondents cited chore-sharing as "very important," up from 47 percent in 1990. The significance? Its importance replaces that of having children. In a 1990 survey, 65 percent said children were very important to a good marriage. Now, just 41 percent say so.

*Young professionals, read this article about etiquette at the company picnic. Rule No. 1? Show up. My addition? Show up sober.

*Some people are so important they have to outsource their social networking. This piece is all about tekkies who pay people to update their blogs, approve their MySpace friend requests, etc. I wish I was that cool.

The Monday Moan will follow shortly.