Wednesday, July 2, 2008

in her (painful) shoes

Maybe you can teach a (relatively) old human new tricks.

Today I came across some research about attempts to "teach" empathy -- that is, efforts to literally put the participant in someone else's shoes. Here's an article about programs that make college students temporarily "become" senior citizens -- sensory losses and all.

When I lived in California, one annual local event would have male participants walk a mile in women's heels in an attempt to stop domestic violence. Don't ask. I don't get the parallel, either.

The problem with these simulations? Well, they're simulations. Participants usually leave laughing, and the whole ordeal is usually viewed as more of an extreme sport experience than a genuine exercise in empathy. And if participation is voluntary, the ones with the heart to join are usually least in need of the training.

When it comes to relationships, I've always thought most people have a base level of how much they can care about somebody. It differs person to person.

Do you think empathy can be taught?