What happens when you point, click and then break up? You use technology to delete your ex from your photos, of course!
At least that's what some people do, according to this piece.
The whole thing seems kinda creepy. I mean, even if he's not there, you know he was once there, right? I would rather just delete the entire photo. Unless I looked really hot.
If I'm ever in a relationship and feel like slitting my wrists -- sans razor -- I look at my significant other's photos from previous relationships. Nothing, I think, makes a woman feel more insecure. Even if the ex in the picture is a little chubby and has poorly groomed eyebrows. Which is always the case, by the way.
Really, that kind of insecurity makes no sense. I mean, the fact that two people can smile and hug for picture says absolutely nothing about how they interact on a daily basis.
Yeah. Good luck getting the average girl -- myself included -- to think that logically.