Monday, April 23, 2007

omg lol ttyl

Think an ability to text while driving is impressive? Think again.

This article describes last weekend's National Texting Championship in New York, which attracted 250 competitors. Winners saw messages on a screen, texted them on their phones and were judged on whose (error-free) text got to the judges first.

The winner was 13-year-old Morgan Pozgar, who mastered texts ranging from "what we do in life echoes in eternity" to "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." She got $25,000.

I, meanwhile, have never been a huge fan of text messages, but I think at times they serve their purpose. Especially if that purpose is dirty talk.

Btw...this nugget comes courtesy of my good friend Michael Timm, the former editor of my college newspaper and Webmaster of the coolest platypus site ever.