Monday, June 25, 2007

weekend recap

After the usual weekend dabblings in debauchery, I'm back to the daily grind.

Happy Monday.

Before I delve into the Saturday night recap, I wanted to share a recent phone message from a local male gospel singer in response to my column about a possible "retirement age" from partying. He talked about how you should just party until it doesn't feel good anymore, thanked me for the column and offered the following parting words: "Remember, when you get tired of partying, come to church. We'll make you welcome with open arms."

Love him.

Anyway...back to the weekend. It was somewhat tame, especially since I was both dog-sitting and cat-sitting. I still found time to go out Saturday night, though. My friends and I hit Savana's and Scruffy Murphy's in a night that went from zero to an absolute blast.

There were steady crowds at both places. I think my favorite moment was when a guy came up to me and candidly asked, "If I buy you a drink, will you talk to me?" Ah...the scent of desperation.

I said no.

Another major highlight of Saturday night was the strawberry/raspberry lemonade martini at Savana's. Try one. In other beverage news, I have a huge hankering to try Miller Chill, the new beer with salt and lime built into it. More on that later.

That's about it for the weekend. How was yours?

The Monday Moan will follow shortly...