Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The chase

Ah, the thrill of romantic pursuit. The unanswered phone calls. The noncommittal e-mails.

And, most of all, the sinking suspicion that dating shouldn't be this difficult.

Like many women, I've been schooled in the women's magazine commandment that men like The Chase. Make yourself available too early and he'll lose interest, Cosmo often says.

But some girls take The Chase too far. They'll devise an elaborate game of cat and mouse that involves cryptic communication and a looming threat of being stood up.

They think they're creative. They think they have a relationship's upper hand.

Unfortunately, most of these girls just end up forgotten.

Here, The Frisky asks if there's any value in playing hard to get. It's a valid question, since every chase needs a finish line.

How long are you willing to chase a crush?