Monday, July 27, 2009

Crazy possessive

Happy Monday! Over the weekend I discovered this song, Kaci Battaglia's "Crazy Possessive."

In the chorus, she repeatedly threatens to beat you up if you call or touch her man again.

In relationships, some degree of possessiveness can be flattering. It's nice to have someone who wants you exclusively as his/her own, regardless of how long you've been dating.

I've dated guys who have just shrugged with disinterest when I've mentioned being hit on by other people. Honestly, that reaction kind of hurts.

But romantic possession is best received in small doses.

Everyone has met That Girl who's convinced that all of her friends want to hook up with her boyfriend.

Strangely, it seems like those girls are also the ones who date the least desirable men.

I once knew a girl who would shower her boyfriend with the most disgusting PDAs whenever other women were in the near vicinity. The guy had a widespread reputation as a sleaze, not to mention some pretty grotesque hygiene habits.

The bottom line? Extreme possessiveness is a sign of insecurity.

The problem isn't a world of dirty skanks trying to holler at your man.

It's you.