Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I love you = $267,000

The phrase "I love you" is worth $267,000, according to the results of a recent British survey.

Click here to read more about the scientific reasoning process, which I don't completely understand. It's an interesting concept, though.

I know words are only words, and someone can repeatedly voice affection and not really mean it...but I think "I love you" is one of the most valuable gifts ever.

Assuming it's said soberly. And followed by an "I love you, too."

Some people can go months -- even years -- without hearing "I love you." Others throw out the three words with the same frequency of "hello" and "goodbye."

Would you take $267,000 under the condition that you'd never hear "I love you" from your significant other?

What about this: Would you take $267,000 if it meant you'd never hear "I love you" from ANYONE?