Friday, July 24, 2009

National Tequila Day

During my standard morning review of Google Trends, I learned today is National Tequila Day.

So yes, you now have one more reason to leave work early and grab a Friday afternoon -- er, evening -- margarita. If I was back home in California, I'd celebrate here.

Ah, tequila. We've shared such a sweet love affair. I can always count on you to fuel phone calls that lead to three days of awkward silence. Thank you.

I also have to express my gratitude for the role you played in my 21st birthday celebration. It was so kind of the bartender to give me a mix of tequila and Tabasco sauce as my very first shot of the night.

But I guess things could be worse.

For many of my friends, tequila is That Liquor. You know, the one you swear off for life because of a particularly horrendous hangover. The one that generates a gag reflex with its bottle alone.

Tequila and I have had our ups and downs, but it's still on my good side.

Rum? Not so much.

Give me your best tequila stories.