Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gluttony for one

Sure, a combination of hot dogs, nacho cheese and refried beans is delicious when you're home alone watching "Brooke Knows Best."

But are you brave enough to eat that entree in the company of friends?

Maybe not -- if you buy into this new book, "What We Eat When We Eat Alone." The book focuses on solo dining and how it often defies the rules we normally attach to the culinary experience.

Jezebel tackles the phenomenon here, directing readers to a comedy bit that points out "how you never see Hot Pockets on a restaurant menu, yet Hot Pockets have been selling for decades, a testament to the fact that what we eat in the privacy of our own homes isn't necessarily what we eat when we're under the surveillance of others."

I don't have some weird flavor concoction I savor in public, but I am a little more liberal with hot sauce usage while dining alone.

Oh yeah, there's also the fact that I bought an omelet maker two weeks ago and so far I've only used it to make scrambled eggs. I call the scrambled eggs "omletes" to make myself feel better, though. This brings me absolutely no shame.

What are your solo eating habits?