Thursday, July 23, 2009

I got scared

Men fear proposing marriage just about as much as they fear sharks, according to the results of this recent survey.

I don't know what to make of the findings, aside from a slight suspicion the survey will bolster the popularity of my least favorite breakup line EVER:

"I got scared of the relationship."

The logic doesn't make sense, but many girls will buy it. So much, in fact, that "I got scared of the relationship" has grown to often work as a reasonable justification for cheating.

Girls think the line is cute. Sensitive. And, most importantly, an indication of real emotional investment.

Unfortunately, none of those elements are true. "Getting scared" translates into everything from "getting bored" to "getting attracted to somebody else."

So the next time you hear it, call your date out.

If the angry confrontation comes as a surprise, you know what to do.

Just say you got scared.