Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love and video games

Lots of women say their relationship is characterized by one word: WoW.

Unfortunately, that's not a good thing.

That's because it refers to "World of Warcraft," a video game that often hooks players to the point of obsession.

Needless to say, date night isn't best spent staring at a somebody play on a computer. Even if your boyfriend does have really hot knuckles.

The Frisky cites a recent study that revealed 20 percent of women have dumped a guy over video games.

I'm not surprised.

Yes, video games can ignite a child-like sense of wonder in your guy. That's a little endearing.

But the games are also very time-consuming. Not to mention kind of violent. You know things are bad when you don't even blink after hearing, "Saturday was great. I killed two people."

Weigh in: Have you ever had a romantic dispute centered on video games?